Tech News: Scientists plead to stop creation of killer robots: We're at 'the brink of a new arms race' [Every News]

Scientists plead to stop creation of killer robots: We're at 'the brink of a new arms race' Dozens of scientists, health care professionals and academics have written a letter to the U.N. pleading to stop the use of autonomous killer robots, citing recent advances in artificial intelligence "have brought us to the brink of a new arms race in lethal autonomous weapons."

Dozens of scientists, health care professionals and academics have written a letter to the U.N. pleading to stop the use of autonomous killer robots, citing recent advances in artificial intelligence "have brought us to the brink of a new arms race in lethal autonomous weapons."

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Tech News: Scientists plead to stop creation of killer robots: We're at 'the brink of a new arms race' [Every News] Tech News: Scientists plead to stop creation of killer robots: We're at 'the brink of a new arms race' [Every News] Reviewed by Every News on March 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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